- "We Must All Die
Must We Die All
All Die We Must
Die All Must We."
(Grabstein in Bacton, Norfolk, England)
- "Erected to the memory of
John Philips
accidentally shot as a mark
of affection by his brother."
(Grabstein in Saratoga, New York)
- "Here under this sod and under these trees
Is buried the body of Solomon Pease.
But here in his hole lies only his pod
His soul is shelled out and gone up to God."
(Grabstein in Falkirk, Scotland)
- "Shoot-em-up-Jake
Ran for sheriff, 1872
Ran for sheriff, 1876
Buried, 1876."
(Grabstein im Boot Hill Cemetery, Dodge City, Kansas)
- "Here lies I-
Jonathan Fry-
Killed by a sky-
Rocket in my eye-
(Frodsham, Cheshire, England)
- "Here lies the body of Samuel Young
Lost at sea and never found."
(Grabstein in Ventnor, Isle of Wight, England)
- "Honest John
's dead and gone."
(Grabstein in Worcester, England)
- "Died of grief
Caused by a neighbor
Now rests in peace."
(Grabstein in Palm Springs, California)
- "Dorothy Cecil.
Unmarried as yet."
(Grabstein in Wimbledon, England)
- "I am amazed that death, that tyrant grim,
Should think on me, who never thought on him."
(Grabstein in Cambridge, England)
Grabschrift von Captain Underwood, der ertrank:
- "Here lies free from blood and slaughter
Once Underwood - now under water."
Grabschrift von John Keats, vom Dichter persönlich:
- "Here lies one whose name was writ in water"
Grabschrift von dem Rechtsanwalt Sir John Strange:
- "Here lies an honest lawyer,
And that is Strange."
Grabschrift eines berühmten Säufers:
- "Beneath these stones repose the bones
Of Theodosius Grim;
He took his beer from year to year,
And then the bier took him."
Auf dem Grabstein einer Jungfrau steht:
- "Ungeöffnet zurück"
... und auf dem Grabstein der Putzfrau:
- "Sie kehrt nie wieder"
... und auf dem des Zahnarztes:
- "Hier füllt er sein letztes Loch"
Der Student legt die letzte Prüfung ab.
Der Taxifahrer macht seine letzte Fahrt.
Der Wächter macht nochmal die Runde.
So, und irgendwann ist Sch(n)ulz hier!
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